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You can install the released version of {pkgdepR} from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:


How to use

Here we’ll show an example of how to use {pkgdepR} using some test packages that are hosted on GitHub.

First, let’s load the required example packages.


The required packages have now been added to the search path.

Single package

Create a pkgdepR object as follows:

v = pkgdepR::deps(pkg = "pkgdepR")

We can see a summary of the object

v # alternatively, summary(v) or print(v)
#> pkgdepR object
#> ------------------------------
#> Packages:    pkgdepR
#> Total nodes: 15
#> Total links: 18
#>   -Between packages: 0
#>   -Within packages:  18
#>     --Between functions: 17
#>     --Self-referential:  1

To see the network visualization, simply call plot.

plot(v, height = "500px", main = list(text = NULL))

Multiple packages

Visualizing multiple packages works in a similar way.

v = pkgdepR::deps(pkg = c("pkgdepR", "magrittr"))
v # alternatively, summary(v) or print(v)
#> pkgdepR object
#> ------------------------------
#> Packages:    pkgdepR, magrittr
#> Total nodes: 67
#> Total links: 48
#>   -Between packages: 7
#>   -Within packages:  41
#>     --Between functions: 39
#>     --Self-referential:  2
plot(v, height = "700px", main = list(text = NULL), option = "E")

It’s as simple as that!

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